The Descendants of John Heywood

Biography of Henry Franklin Elliott


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From History of Logan County, Illinois Anonymous Author (Chicago: Inter-state Pub. Co., 1886)

Page 468

Henry Franklin Elliott came to Logan County, Illinois, in September, 1862, and engaged in the lumber and grain business till 1880, when he gave his entire attention to grain and carrying on a flour mill till 1885. He was at one time associated with his brother, James F., in the ownership of the Elliott (now the Foley) Mills at Lincoln. He was successful in his pursuits and accumulated a handsome property. Mr. Elliott was born at Bombay, Franklin County, New York, November 27, 1831, a son of Moses and Mary B. (Washburn) Elliott, the former a native of New Hampshire and the latter of Vermont. When he was six years of age his parents moved to Bloomingdale, Illinois, where he was reared, remaining at home till manhood. From 1853 till 1858 he was engaged in the lumber business in Bloomington, Illinois. In 1859 he moved to Joliet, remaining there till his removal to Lincoln in 1862. Mr. Elliott has served as alderman of Lincoln three terms of two years each. He was married October 15, 1861, to Eunice Cagwin, daughter of Orville Cagwin of Joliet. They have three children -- Jennie, wife of Lestar A. Rose, of Streator, Illinois; Lillian and Adel at home. In politics Mr. Elliott is a Democrat.

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